Walkestra 24/25

For this page in different clef/transpositions:  Walkestra Bass Clef   Walkestra Bb   Walkestra Eb

Email Mal: mal@malwebb.com , so he can email you before the festival next year!


Audio: Beat's edit: http://malwebb.com/AmigoArrangementWoodford.mp3
Audio: "No Cono" section: http://malwebb.com/AmigoNoConoSection.mp3
On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqSGG60Txuo

Amaidi tunes
Audio: http://malwebb.com/AmaidiTunes.mp3


Audio: http://malwebb.com/71v.mp3
and check out the MPPR (49 across 71!) version: http://malwebb.com/mppr.html#71

Shower Samba
Audio: http://malwebb.com/ShowerSamba.mp3
I haven't written a chart for this, but it's super simple: ||: A7  | Bb7  :|| for the whole tune.
And the scale is A Hijaz, which is D harmonic minor starting on A: A Bb C# D E F G A. https://malwebb.com/chordsandscales.html
Melody players can choose to play the bassline, do lead with me or play the echo
(which means you don't need to learn 3rd inversion... easy!)